Posted May 2nd, 2016 by bhuertas.
Categories: Bail Bonds.
You might have figured these out on your own. There are some astonishing problems with the bail bonds system. Sone might call the process unfair.
Right now, we are stuck with the way Pennsylvania deals with bail bonds.
We might not agree with it. However, as regulated bail bonds agents, we are bound by the law of the land.
Exactly, what’s wrong with the bail bonds system?
Poor Defendants and Rich Ones are Treated Differently
If you take a census of current inmates, you will notice two things. Some are stuck in jail for heinous crimes. Others are there because they simply can’t afford to get bailed out.
That’s not to say that all people charged with serious offenses are still behind bars. After all, world famous comedian Bill Cosby is out on bail. Headlines on news reports were quick to point out that he was able to post a million-dollar bail. He was arraigned on sex abuse charges.
By no means are we suggesting the Cosby was innocent or guilty. In fact, we consider him presumed innocent until proven otherwise. However, money talks.
Financially challenged defendants are sitting in jail with less serious accusations. The Department of Justice is looking into whether financial struggle is enough reason to stay behind bars.
Their best alternative may be to consider the services of a bail bonds agency.
Bail Bonds Agencies offer Alternatives
Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds offers some guidance. Our goal is to secure pre-trial release of you or your loved one. We know one thing: All defendants are presumed innocent. The most disconcerting event is when people plead to a crime they didn’t commit. They just want to get out of jail. A too-frequent occasion. And, it could come back to haunt the defendant.
This doesn’t mean that Pizzo Bail Bonds has the resources to let each and every defendant out of jail. Rather, we try to figure out way to make the numbers work for you.
Great bail bonds agents have imaginations. They know how to delve into your ability to post bail. They are fantastic advocates.
A reputable bail bonds company won’t suggest a guilty plea. Particularly, when you are innocent. At best, a bail bonds agency will encourage you to seek legal representation. This may be a Catch-22.
You think you can’t come up with the funds for bail. How can you possibly afford an attorney? Legal aid services may be your solution.
In the meantime, you can count on Pizzo Bail Bonds to come up with alternatives. Maybe there’s collateral you haven’t thought of? Perhaps we can make a simple call to your dad for help. (You might think Dad gave up on you. Maybe he didn’t).
The list goes on. Perhaps you didn’t realize you could put up a small percentage of the total bail. It’s never worth it to give up before you give it a try.
Contact Us
It’s as easy as making a phone call. Our bail bondsmen have lots of experience dealing with people stuck behind bars. Advice is free. See what Pizzo Bail Bonds can do to work on your pretrial release.